10 Back-to-School TIPS for Kids & Parents

10 Back-to-School TIPS for Kids & Parents

Back-to-school TIPS for KIDS & PARENTS

Whatever their age, many kids are apprehensive about starting school or going back to school. The good news is there’s a lot you can do to ease their minds and help them get ready for a new school year.


1. Early to bed, early to rise

Adjusting to a school sleep schedule takes time and won’t happen overnight. Start a few weeks before school begins by encouraging your child to go to bed earlier. Calming bedtime routines, like a warm bath and reading, can help them unwind and prepare for sleep.

2. Re-establish a routine

Establishing a consistent routine is important for kids. Write out the steps in the routine and rehearse them with your child. In the evening, this could include doing homework, playtime, brushing their teeth, having a bath, and reading before bed.

3. Encourage independence

When children take an active part in getting ready for the new school year—like picking out and organizing school supplies and new clothes—they’re more likely to feel excited about going back, which can help ease their back-to-school nerves. If your child is old enough for chores like emptying the dishwasher or making lunches, daily age-appropriate tasks can boost their independence and confidence.

4. Choose the right backpack

Overloaded or improperly worn backpacks can lead to muscle strain, headaches, and neck pain. Opt for a backpack made from sturdy, lightweight material with wide, padded straps to support your child’s shoulders. Be sure they wear it on both shoulders to avoid strain.

5. Talk about safety

Review outdoor safety rules – things like looking both ways before crossing the street, taking the same route every day if they are walking, familiarizing themselves with crosswalk rules, and being cautious in talking to strangers.

6. Establish healthy habits

Involve your children in choosing and preparing healthy lunches & snacks. Help them find physical activities they enjoy. Try to stick to regular meal times.

7. Limit screen time 

The start of the school year is a great time to reset screen time boundaries. Consider having the whole family “unplug” in the evenings before bed. Designate a central spot for everyone to charge their devices overnight, and try using an alarm clock instead of a cellphone to wake up in the mornings.

8. Map it out

 If your kids are starting at a new school, practice walking or driving to the bus stop or to the school building a week or two before school starts. You could even play in the school playground before school starts. This creates fun memories associated with the school before summer vacation ends.

9. Talk about first-week jitters


Remind your child that feeling nervous is completely normal—even for teachers. You can help them manage these feelings by:

  • Encouraging them to share their worries. Sharing stories of your own first-day jitters can help them feel understood.
  • Teaching them deep breathing techniques to calm their nerves.
  • Talking through the situations that concern them. If they’re anxious about who to sit with or talk to on the first day, work together to come up with a plan and practice it so they feel more prepared.


10. Celebrate the start of a new school year

If you celebrate the first day of school, your kids will see back-to-school as a transition they can really enjoy. Try a back-to-school party the day before school starts, complete with cake, balloons and educational gifts. And don’t forget to take a picture on the front step in their first-day-of-school outfits. It’s going to be a great year!

Hope this helps!





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