Planning to Move to Southern California?

Planning to Move to Southern California?

Are you planning to move to Southern California?? The whole state stretches along the west coast for nearly 840 miles, but in my opinion SoCal is where its at! Here are some things to know before moving here!

Lifestyle & the Cost of Living

If you’re a fan of sunshine and warm weather, you’re in luck. Much of California has a Mediterranean climate, meaning warm and dry summers with cooler, wetter winters. Summers along California’s coastline are mild, with August highs of around 70 degrees. Inland, in cities like Burbank, summers get warmer and can see highs of 95. Meanwhile, California’s southeastern region and Death Valley can get to 120 degrees and boasts some of the hottest temperatures in the world. All the sun comes at a price though. To live in this sunny state, the cost of living comes in at 43 percent higher than the national average. Housing is the biggest expense for California residents.

Places to go

There is plenty to do and see in SoCal, but if you’re going to move here you should experience LA as one of the locals! Skip the Hollywood Walk of Fame and take a tour of Warner Brothers Studio instead. Don’t go to the Original Farmers Market, instead go to the Grand Central Market. You’ll thank me. Avoid Venice Beach and take strolls or bike rides up and down the beach in LA. Lastly, instead of shopping on Rodeo Drive. Check out the boutiques in Santa Monica.

Places to Eat

Just like people, there are all different kinds of places to eat. From nice restaurants to a corner deli or bakery, you’ll even see a food stand or two. One thing you will count on seeing though is tacos. There are tacos everywhere! There are also Asian and even Mediterranean restaurants if you’re feeling adventurous.

Getting Around

California is known for its highways and road systems. Unless you’re in a bigger city, public transportation isn’t the best way to get around. If you want to go green, San Francisco, Napa, and Santa Monica are becoming increasingly bicycle-friendly.

The Housing Market

Obviously the first step to moving here is to actually move here. Those looking to buy an entry-level home will face a tough search, so they should be prepared for it to take a while and to act quickly when needed. Learn more about 2020 Real Estate HERE.

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Investing in your piece of the American dream and becoming a homeowner boils down to the professional representation you implore to get the job done. Basya is your agent.

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